Faku kaNgqungqushe

Faku Ka-Ngqungqushe ke ngwa wa mosimane waga Kgosi Ngqungqushe kaNyawuza yo enneng ele wa bofelo wa bogosi jwa United AmaMpondo Kingdom [1] mo borwa jwa Africa (Southern Africa) gotsweng ka ngwaga wa 1818 go filha ka 1867. [2] Nako e anneng a busa, Kgosi Faku one a kopanya lego tshwaraganya merafe kago farologana abo a oketsa lefatshe le aneng ale tsere kafa tlase ga bogosi jwaga rrangwe. [3] Ka 1844, one a simolodisa botsalano le mmuso wa sekolone wa Cape Colony abo a rotoetsa mmuso wa Enyelane go gatelelela lego tsenya Natal ko tase ga puso ya bokolone, mme ka seo a netefatsa gore lefatshe lele ko tlase ga bogosi jwa gagwe bo nna le melolwane e eneng e segilwe goya ka tsamaiso ya mebusu ya mahatshe a tsididi. Mmuso wa bogosi one wa felela otserwe mo gobone ka dikgoka ke mmuso wa bokoloni wa Enyelane (British Empire), mme mmuso wa bone le lefatshe le feletse enna bontha bongwe jwa mmuso wa bokolone wa Cape Colony mme le tsatsi leno lefatshe leo ke nngwe ya bontha jwa Eastern Cape province mo Afrika Borwa.

King Faku ka Ngqungqushe
AmaMpondo Kingdom
Reign1818 To 1867
PredecessorKing Ngqungqushe kaNyawuza (Father)
SuccessorKing Mqikela kaFaku (Son) in the Eastern Kingdom
King Ndamase kaFaku (Son) in the Western Kingdom
Leso29 October 1867
SpouseQueen Manqayiya (first wife)
MathataPrince Ndamase kaFaku
Prince Mqikela kaFaku
Prince Mbangatha kaFaku


  1. Stapleton, Timothy J. Faku. Rulership and Colonialism in the AmaMpondo Kingdom. Wilfrid Laurier Uni Press. 2001.
  2. Kropf, Albert. Das Volk der Xosa-Kaffern im östlichen Südafrika nach seiner Geschichte, Eigenart, Verfassung und Religion. Evang. Missions-Gesellschaft. Berlin:1889. p75
  3. Stapleton, Timothy J. Faku. Rulership and Colonialism in the AmaMpondo Kingdom. Wilfrid Laurier Uni Press. 2001.