James Craik e ne e le Ngaka Kakaretso (motsamaisi wa Ngaka Kakaretso) wa United States Army, gape e ne e le ngaka ya botho ya ga George Washington e bile e le tsala ya

James Craik
Arbigland, Scotland
Leso6 February Tempolete:Death year and age
Alexandria, Virginia
AllegianceUnited States of America
Tiro/Lefelo la tiroUnited States Army
Commands heldPhysician General of the
United States Army

gagwe e kgolo.

Botshelo jwa gagwe


dithuto le go ya Amerika

Craik o tsholetswe kwa Arbigland mo parisheng ya Kirkbean, County of Kirkcudbright, Scotland, e ne e le morwa yo o sa nyalwang wa ga William Craik, 1703 -1798, mmulatsela wa temothuo le mong wa lefatshe. Kgaitsadie wa mosimane ka motsadi a le mongwe, e bong Helen, o kwala gore o ne a na le dingwaga di ka nna thataro fa rraagwe a ne a nyalwa ka 1733. O ne a ithutela bongaka kwa sekolong se se golwane sa Edinburgh, go tswa foo a tsenela Bosole jwa Boritane fa a sena go aloga mme a direla jaaka ngaka e e arang masole kwa West Indies go fitlha ka 1751. Morago ga moo Craik o ne a bula tiro ya gagwe ya bongaka kwa Norfolk, Virginia, mme go ise go ye kae morago ga moo a fudugela kwa Winchester, Virginia

Tiro ya Ntwa ya Bafora le Baindia


Ka 7 Mopitlwe 1754, Craik o ne a simolola tiro ya gagwe ya sesole gape, a amogela tiro ya go nna ngaka ya karo mo go Colonel Joshua Fry's Virginia Provincial Regiment. Fa a ntse a le mo mophatong ono, o ne a nna tsala e kgolo ya ga George Washington, yo ka nako eo e neng e le lefotenente-koloneli mo mophatong ono. Craik o ne a nna le seabe se segolo mo dintweng tse di farologaneng tsa Ntwa ya Bafora le Baindia. O ne a lwa kwa Battle of the Great Meadows mme a nna le seabe mo go ineeleng ga Fort Necessity, mme morago a tsamaya le General Edward Braddock mo maitekong a gagwe a a neng a se ka a atlega a go gapa gape kgaolo eo ka 1755, a alafa dikgobalo tse di neng tsa bolaya Braddock. Craik o ne a direla ka fa tlase ga puso ya ga Washington mo ditirong tsa kwa Virginia le Maryland, ka nako ya dintwa tse di farologaneng le Baindia

Magareng ga dintwa


Morago ga ntwa, Craik o ne a bula tiro e nngwe ya bongaka kwa Port Tobacco, kwa Maryland, mme ka di 13 Ngwanatsele 1760, o ne a nyala Mariamne Ewell kwa ntlong ya lelapa la gagwe, Bel Air, e e kwa Prince William County, kwa Virginia. Moragonyana Marriamne o ne a nna mmamogolo wa ga Richard S. Ewell.[1] Ba ne ba na le barwa ba le barataro le barwadi ba le bararo. Ka 1760, o ne a fudugela kwa Charles County, Maryland, kwa ka 1765 a neng a aga La Grange gaufi le La Plata, Maryland. Ka bobedi jwa 1770 le 1784, o ne a ya go dira dipatlisiso le Washington, a tlhatlhoba dikopo tsa sesole kwa Pennsylvania le kwa West Virginia ya gompieno.

Tiro ya Ntwa ya Boipuso


Kwa bokhutlong jwa ntwa, Craik o ne a amogelwa jaaka leloko la kwa tshimologong la The Society of the Cincinnati of Maryland.[2]

Washington o ne a mo tlhotlheletsa go fudusetsa tiro ya gagwe kwa Alexandria, Virginia, koo a neng a aga ntlo ya gagwe ya Vaucluse, koo a neng a tlhokafala teng moragonyana.[3] Gape o ne a na le ntlo ya toropo kwa 117 South Fairfax Street, 209 Prince Street, le 210 Duke Street.[4]

Washington o ne a bitsa Craik go tswa mo tirong ya gagwe ya poraefete ka 1798 malebana le ntwa e e neng e le kgatlhanong le Fora, a mo tlhoma jaaka Ngaka Kakaretso ya Sesole ka 19 Seetebosigo wa ngwaga oo. Morago ga go khutla ga ntwa, Craik o ne a tswa ka 15 Seetebosigo 1800.

Kwa lesong la George Washington


E re ka e ne e le ngaka ya ga Washington, Craik e ne e le mongwe wa dingaka tse tharo tse di neng tsa mo tlhokomela fa a ne a lwala la bofelo ka Sedimonthole 14, 1799. Washington o ne a ngongorega ka bothata jwa go hema, jo Craik a neng a bo tlhalosa e le "cynanche trachealis". Fa Washington a ne a palelwa ke go nwa melemo ka molomo, Craik le dingaka tse dingwe tse pedi[5]


  1. Hayden, Horace (1891)[1979], Virginia Genealogies. A Genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland and Virginia. Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., pp. 333–354
  2. Metcalf, Bryce (1938). Original Members and Other Officers Eligible to the Society of the Cincinnati, 1783-1938: With the Institution, Rules of Admission, and Lists of the Officers of the General and State Societies Strasburg, VA: Shenandoah Publishing House, Inc., p. 96.
  3. Stetson, Charles (1956) Washington and his Neighbors, Garrett and Massie, Richmond, Virginia, LOC 55-11155
  4. Towntalk, 117 South Fairfax Street
  5. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of General Washington – – – Preached 29 December 1799, By the Rev. Hezakiah N. Woodruff, A. M. – – – To which is added An Appendix Giving a Particular Account of the Behaviour of General Washington During his Distressing Illness, Also of the Nature of the Complaint of which he died, by Doctors James Craik, and Elisha C. Dick, Attending Physicians, 1800.