Megan Kate Coleman

Megan Kate Coleman ke mmabontle wa lefatshe la Africa Borwa yoo ileng a emela lefatshe la Aforika Borwa kwa dikgaisanong tsa mmalobopo tsa ngwaga wa 2007( Miss Universe 2007) ko Mexico, letsa mma mafatshefatshe tsa 2007 kwa China . Ene ele mma Africa-Borwa wa ngwaga wa 2006.[1]


Ona le digerata tsa Social Science (mo Media, Communication and Marketing). Ona gape le kgwebo ya image consulting business ( image insured) gammogo le ya diaparo ee bidiwang Seasons mo Hillcrest.[2]

Metswedi fetola

  1. Past Miss South Africa Title Holders". Miss South Africa. Archived from the original on 7 August 2011. Retrieved 16 December 2010.
  2. "Megan Coleman". Who's Who SA. Archived from the original on 5 April 2011. Retrieved 16 December 2010